Solarama Energy Solutions | How much does a family save with solar panels

How much does a family save with solar panels

How much does a family save with solar panels

How much does a family save in five years if they install photovoltaic panels in their home.

At Solarama we have carried out a study of how much a family could save in five years if they install solar panels on their home. The results are amazing as a family of four and a single-family home could save 1,500 euros on electricity by installing solar panels.

With the price of electricity reaching historic highs in recent months, solar energy is an effective way to reduce the electricity bill, as well as take care of the environment thanks to an abundant resource in our country as is the sun. The improvement in efficiency, the lower cost of photovoltaic panels and the aid that currently exists for these installations make this the best time to install photovoltaics.

How much a family of four saves by installing solar panels on a single-family home.

We base ourselves on the cost of electricity that a typical family of four with a single-family home would have, where most of the electricity consumption is carried out in the afternoons, at night or on weekends and the power contracted in the house is 4.6 kw.

To these expenses it is necessary to add the fixed term, the rent of the meter and others, VAT, electricity tax (IEE) is added. This would make the total price of the electricity bill around 1,500 euros per year.

A photovoltaic installation pays for itself in less than five years

A house with a southeast or southwest orientation, with 10 photovoltaic panels, could produce approximately 5,350 kWh per year, which would mean all the energy consumed in one year. or. So using batteries could reach 100% of self-consumption, without practically resorting to power from the network, except for winter months or not very sunny. Which would mean a saving of 1,794 ac, or what is the same 8,970 ac in five years.

The price of a photovoltaic installation will depend on the number of panels, whether or not it has batteries to store energy. We can say that the initial investment for a photovoltaic plant with 10 panels with storage could be around approximately 8,000 ac including taxes, a figure that could be reduced by 40% thanks to existing subsidies and by 60% in batteries. thus, which would mean a real cost of 4,000 ac after applying the subsidies. This means that a photovoltaic installation could be amortized over a maximum of five years without taking subsidies into account, since after this time an amount greater than the price paid initially will have been saved in electricity.

By choosing Solarama as your solar partner, we will take care of all aspects of your installation, from the design, financing and warranties, to the legalization and processing of the applications for subsidy, and the monitoring and optimization of the solar installation during the following years.
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